Need to livestream while you’re out of the office? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1.) Always find a light source—it’s important for people to be able to see you. Look for big windows or spaces with open light that isn’t in the direct sunlight.
2.) If you’re in public, there could be noise interference—be sure to have earbuds, AirPods, a microphone, etc within reach in case you need them. This will help the phone or computer to focus in on your voice rather than the surrounding noise.
3.) Try to avoid music—some platforms will kick you off air if they think you’re playing music illegally. Usually it’s pretty good about registering if it’s ambient noise from a cafe, but it could still cause problems for you.
4.) Check your connection before you stream—if the internet connection is poor, it’s going to lead to pixelated and/or choppy video and could also lead to a disconnect. Try Facetiming with a friend first to make sure the connection is stead enough to go live.
5.) If you’re showing something off that isn’t you on camera, be sure to narrate everything the viewers are seeing and frequently turn the camera back to you so newcomers can see what’s going on without leaving because no one is on camera.